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WHAT IS YOGA ? Dr. Svami Purna - Balanced Yoga.


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February 12th, 2013 - 09:03 PM

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WHAT IS YOGA ? Dr. Svami Purna - Balanced Yoga.

Yoga is not a religion, political movement, sect or dogma.
It is the way of bringing harmony within diversity. It respects all cultures, traditions and nations. It nurtures the higher instincts of humanity - compassion, cooperation and peace.

It is said that man was made in the image of his Creator - healthy, happy vibrant and wise - living positively and constantly striving to uplift himself. To be healthy in the body and mind and to be full of vitality are normal attributes of human life. They are man’s birthright. There is little doubt, however, that man has drifted off his intended course. The human mode of living today reflects an attitude which accepts disease and suffering, whether physical, mental or psychological as unavoidable and normal. Negative conditioning, habits and thoughts have thus shortened man’s life-expectancy..

Thousands of years ago high being and sages created the system of yoga, a scientific method whereby one is able to develop physically, mentally and psychologically into a more complete human being. The term “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuk” meaning”union” or “yoke”. It implies harmony and balance between all aspects of creation, the impulses and inclinations of the ever-wavering ming being brought under the discriminating yoke of the Higher Self.

Although there are many different forms of yoga practice, the most accessible method for the Western students is that form which takes the physical body as the starting point.

In the West,  the word “Yoga”  has often been defined incorrectly. Many associate Yoga with the  practice of Yoga positions (asanas) and the  physical nature of the practice. Yoga, in the traditional sense, has a much broader meaning and encompasses much more than exercise, a religion or a dogma. It is a scientific method developed centuries ago that one can follow to grow physically, psychologically and mentally into a more complete human being. The term, Yoga, literally means: union, harmony, completeness, poise, wholeness. Through Yoga, an individual can harness the various aspects of one’s self to create a dynamic vehicle for evolution and transformation. As one transforms, a balance and wholeness evolve in all aspects of life bringing one into harmony with nature and the environment. Yoga brings evenness of mind- a peace that is ever the same- that leads to fulfillment and strength of character; and, ultimately, to revelation of the inner, immortal Self.
This is Hatha Yoga.
The syllable “ha” and “tha” signify respectively the sun and the moon, the flux of positive and negative energies. Balance of these energies results in perfect health, imbalance - in disease. Hatha Yoga is thus a complete system of physical maintenance, although physical exercises alone do not constitute Hatha Yoga - that would simply be gymnastics..

Hatha Yoga consists of purposefully directed bodily exercises combined with the guidance of the life-force into all parts of the body - each muscle, joint, gland and nerve fibre - making the body into a conscious and obedient instrument. The combined action of postures with breath control will eliminate poisons and toxins as well as will vitalize the body, strengthening the whole nervous system. You will begin to feel energetic, yet relaxed. Free from tension, you will be able to cope more easily with the constantly increasing demands of modern living.

However, there is more to Hatha Yoga that a feeling of physical fitness. By stimulating endocrine activity (being a major component in “manufacturing” emotions), Hatha Yoga becomes a valuable aid in the regulation and stabilization of emotion. If practiced conscientiously, it will raise your mind as well as your emotions, will raise your consciousness and bring your into harmony with the whole of nature.

The word “Hatha” is also translates as “Force” - that tremendous force which you can harness to help overcome many negative manifestations both around you and within you..

Hatha Yoga is not ego indulging show, no fanatic asceticism, torture or fancy gymnastics. It is a profound and enjoyable scientific tool which can help you achieve balance of body, mind and purify the heart.

Patanjali compiled material from centuries of diverse oral traditions into a single text called The Yoga Sutras (the EightFold Path). These texts form the basis of yoga philosophy. The text concentrates upon Raja Yoga, meaning royal or majestic, finest or most refined yoga which is concerned principally with controlling the mind through meditation unlike the more recently developed Hatha Yoga (more common in the West), which more fully developed the practice of asanas (physical postures) and pranayama (breath control). The Yoga Sutras concentrate on the psychological and spiritual aspects of yoga. Patanjali says that Yoga practice is the means to still the mind, thereby allowing the inner self, our true ruler, to find liberation:  “Yoga is when the Self rests in its own being, in our original nature which is pure awareness."

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